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Honma Golf Limited Last update : HKT Price at least 15 minutes delayed
Income Statement(JPY’000) For the Year Ended
31 March 2018
For the Year Ended
31 March 2017
For the Year Ended
31 March 2016
For the Year Ended
31 March 2015
Revenue 26,296,159 24,242,435 22,368,761 18,525,092
Cost of sales (10,318,713) (9,694,062) (9,173,918) (7,620,050)
Gross profit 15,977,446 14,548,373 13,194,843 10,905,042
Other income and gains 50,005 1,178,475 77,125 90,825
Selling and distribution expenses (8,410,223) (8,511,354) (8,058,098) (7,752,319)
Administrative expenses (1,522,235) (1,581,675) (1,362,533) (1,195,421)
Other (expenses)/income, net (837,672) (89,993) 104,565 (46,248)
Finance costs (21,872) (22,225) (24,073) (7,490)
Finance income 138,816 42,204 27,307 9,213
Profit before tax 5,374,265 5,563,805 3,959,136 2,003,602
Income tax (expense)/credit (1,441,054) (611,136) (394,596) 298,467
Profit for the year 3,933,211 4,952,669 3,564,540 2,302,069
Adjusted net profit(1) 4,707,416 4,365,611 3,390,234 2,278,272
Earnings per share attributable to ordinary equity holders of the parent JPY6.46 JPY8.47 JPY7.51  
Balance Sheet(JPY’000)

As at

31 March 2018

As at
31 March 2017
As at
31 March 2016
As at
31 March 2015
Non-current assets 5,838,480 6,379,692 5,689,990 5,342,040
Current assets 30,354,928 24,554,102 14,378,784 12,268,408
Total assets 36,193,408 30,933,794 20,068,774 17,610,448
Non-current liabilities 1,825,221 2,216,654 2,605,157 2,242,367
Current liabilities 6,363,274 2,987,862 11,936,320 11,852,289
Total liabilities 8,188,495 5,204,516 14,541,477 14,094,656
Net current assets 23,991,654 21,566,240 2,442,464 416,119
Total assets less current liabilities 29,830,134 27,945,932 8,132,454 5,758,159
Total equity 28,004,913 25,729,278 5,527,297 3,515,792
Equity attributable to holders of the parent 28,050,034 25,773,319 5,954,059 3,937,893
Statement of Cash Flows(JPY’000) For the Year Ended
31 March 2018
For the Year Ended
31 March 2017
For the Year Ended
31 March 2016
For the Year Ended
31 March 2015
Net cash flows generated from/(used in) operating activities 1,934,779 3,719,083 1,430,499 (136,842)
Net cash flows generated from/(used in) investing activities (340,594) 154,442 (1,296,126) (296,899)
Net cash flows generated from/(used in) financing activities 384,730 6,134,162 (547,351) (442,613)
Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 1,978,915 10,007,687 (412,978) (876,354)
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year 12,712,506 1,825,809 2,315,069 3,018,000
Effect of foreign exchange rate changes, net (544,102) 879,010 (76,282) 173,423
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of year 14,147,319 12,712,506 1,825,809 2,315,069
(1) Adjusted net profit is derived from net profit by (i) subtracting other income and gains, (ii) adding other expenses, (iii) adding listing expenses, (iv) adding expenses related to restricted share units and (v) adding impact on tax.